UN Human Rights Council

Informal coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (consisting of the following organizations: EMC, Tanadgoma, Hera XXI, WISG, Equality Movement) submitted a detailed analysis of these rights in Georgia for the third cycle of United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Georgia.
The aim of the coalition was to ensure that the main recommendation uniting and underlying SRHR topics would be incorporation of evidence-based, age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education in national educational curriculum. This recommendation was presented at the several official as well as informal platforms.
During the session held on January 26, 2021, the state received 6 recommendations about inclusion of sexuality education based on UNESCO guiding principles. Recommendations were received from the following states: Uruguay, Mexico, Spain, Iceland, France and Luxemburg. It is important to mention that this is the first time when recommendations on CSE were given to Georgia. This is a big achievement for the coalition as well as for advocates of this topic.
Georgia shall respond to the recommendations received during this cycle of UPR in June 2021.