Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights needs of mental health patients

On December 17, 2021 Tanadgoma conducted a meeting, dedicated to presentation of findings and recommendations of a qualitative research “Studying needs related to sexual and reproductive health and rights patients with mental health problems”. The meeting was attended by psychiatrists, psychologists, reproductologists, social workers and representatives of mental health patients’ community. Along with the research, psychiatrist Marina Gegelashvili held a presentation “Needs for integration of mental health and reproductive health services – international experience”.
During the discussion participants shared their experience and cases from the practice, and talked about future steps to be undertaken, so that SRHR needs of persons with mental health problems are integrated into provision of medical, social and psychological services. It was agreed that at the first stage special informational materials shall be prepared for both patients’ caregivers and social workers. The aim of these materials is to raise awareness on SRHR topics. Besides, Tanadgoma plans to create a special guide on these issues for social workers.