Innovative model of medical abortion provision – presentation of clinical trial results

On July 10, 2021, within the framework of the project “Improving access to abortion in Georgia”, the clinical trial results dissemination event was held at Rooms Hotel Tbilisi. Main goal of the clinical trial was to gather and assess data about safety, acceptability and feasibility of the medical abortion service provision model, which reduces number of unnecessary visits to the clinic. The meeting was conducted with participation of all interested parties, such as: state organizations – Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the occupied territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, pharmaceutical companies, local and international non-governmental organizations working on abortion, SRHR, women’s rights – Public Defender’s office, UNFPA, HERA XI, WISG, etc. Also, professional organizations, such as Georgian Obstetricians and Gynecologists Association, as well as clinical specialists from various health facilities took part in the meeting.
This meeting presented evidence not only about the innovative model of medical abortion provision and its costs, but also about satisfaction measured among research participants as well as healthcare providers. Involvement of key stakeholders through wide dissemination of the study findings and development of advocacy strategy for adoption of this model were the priorities. Discussion about how this model could be incorporated into existing healthcare system of Georgia was stirred and representatives of Ministry of Health and NCDC express high interests towards the model especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this discussion, ideas about possible financing and advocacy strategy of the model would be elaborated and recommendations developed by the project implementers.